

    Shanghai Telecom youth: Bravely climb the peak of intelligent manufacturing and lead industrial enterprises to the digital future

    Shanghai Telecom Intelligent Industrial Manufacturing Youth Commando participated in the 2023 Conference on Promoting High-Quality Development of Manufacturing.

    "Network, platform, data, and security" are the four-in-one digital services for the industry. China Telecom Shanghai Company (referred to as "Shanghai Telecom") uses technology to empower industrial digital transformation and compete in the digital intelligence track.

    Based on the new-generation information infrastructure of "5G+cloud+computing power", Shanghai Telecom has promoted the deep integration of the industry's digital economy and the real economy, and created a number of "model houses" for digital transformation.

    By exploring the integrated application of 5G technology and various industrial scenarios and accelerating the digital transformation of enterprises, Shanghai Telecom has become the main force in Shanghai's urban digital transformation.

    Among them, the project "Jiangnan Shipyard towards a new era of 5G shipbuilding" won the first prize in the national finals of the 6th "Zhanfan Cup" 5G Application Collection Competition; the project "5.5G high-reliability private network helps Baosteel lead the green steel 'smart' manufacturing" won the first prize in the national finals of the 6th "Zhanfan Cup" 5G Application Collection Competition.

    In areas such as smart factory leadership, Shanghai Telecom is playing an increasingly important role and serving more and more customers.

    Behind these achievements is a group of young people who are constantly pursuing excellence and innovation.

    In 2023, Shanghai Telecom established a number of related youth commandos, including the "Jingfeng Jiangong Action" team.

    The "Jingfeng Contribution Action" is a youth job contribution action carried out by the Shanghai Economic and Information Technology System around the "major issues of the country" and "the key issues of the city", focusing on major national strategic tasks and the key points of Shanghai's high-quality industrial development. Starting from 2023, it will guide and support young people in the industry to serve the overall situation and lead young people in the system to carry out around the central work.

    Among them, the China Telecom Shanghai Company's Manufacturing Digital Transformation Youth Commando was elected as the Shanghai Youth Commando.

    In addition to leading the way in smart factories, Shanghai Telecom's related "Jingfeng Jiangong Action" team continues to forge ahead, targeting multiple projects of large artificial intelligence models in 2024.

    The Communist Youth League and Youth Work Department of Shanghai Telecom Company, in line with the company’s Party Committee’s requirements to strengthen grassroots organization building, conscientiously implemented the decisions and deployments of the company’s Party Committee and the superior Youth League Committee, insisted on Party building leading League building, and closely followed the "new ideas, new channels, new journeys, and new needs". Focusing on political and ideological guidance, youth innovation and entrepreneurship, grassroots organization building, and youth growth protection, it guides young people to fully invest in the cloud-based digital transformation strategy and continuously enhance the leadership, service, organizational, and contribution of the Communist Youth League.

    Shanghai Telecom held a meeting to study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s message to young people across the country on May 4th Youth Day.

    Climb to the peak of intelligent manufacturing with the power of youth. The first step to lead the smart factory: "Industrial Diagnosis"

    To lead the way in smart factories, we must first diagnose and then prescribe a “prescription”.

    Industrial diagnosis refers to in-depth research and interviews with enterprises by a professional team of diagnosticians, using scientific tools to assist enterprises in identifying their own pain points and difficulties, and "tailor-making" a transformation path for the enterprise.

    Aiming to fully understand and improve the level of intelligent manufacturing of Shanghai's industrial enterprises, Shanghai Telecom has launched in-depth diagnostic work on smart factory construction since 2023.

    Zhang Junxiao, captain of the Shanghai Manufacturing Digital Transformation Youth Commando and deputy director of the Yangtze River Delta Institute of China Telecom Industrial Research Institute.

    As the captain of the Shanghai Manufacturing Digital Transformation Youth Commando and deputy director of the Yangtze River Delta Institute of China Telecom Industrial Research Institute, Zhang Junxiao made use of his digital knowledge in the industrial field and his ability to understand and understand market demand, and led the team to actively participate in the application for Shanghai's first batch of "Recommended Catalog of Smart Factory Assessment and Diagnosis Institutions and Digital Transformation Service Providers" at the beginning of the year. After being shortlisted, the commando members participated in dozens of industrial diagnosis science popularization training and publicity activities in various districts and towns in Shanghai, and served more than 800 industrial enterprises that came to seek solutions for smart factory transformation solutions during the year.

    12 members of Shanghai Telecom Intelligent Industrial Manufacturing Youth Commando have 100% obtained CMMM certificates and become the backbone of Shanghai Telecom's diagnostic team. With the help of the "Jingfeng" job achievement action platform, they explore new opportunities, new paths and new methods for enterprises to transform themselves into smart and digital ones, and use scientific tools to help enterprises identify their own pain points and difficulties, and "tailor" a transformation path for enterprises.

    Guan Siru, an industrial industry expert at Shanghai Telecom and a key member of the Shanghai company's industrial industry vertical integration team, has innovated business opportunity mining models through intelligent manufacturing diagnosis, established diagnosis teams at all levels of departments such as industrial and commercial BD, and directly participated in or organized more than 200 diagnoses for leading customers; supported the high-quality development of industrial production projects, and was deeply involved in more than 10 smart factory construction projects.

    "The youth commando we applied for is composed of 12 outstanding young people, all of whom are professionally qualified diagnostic assessors," said Guan Siru. "Through this platform, we not only train young employees, but also provide new perspectives and suggestions for enterprises." "In addition, the 'Jingfeng Contribution Action' has increased the opportunities for in-depth inspections of enterprises. We have a better understanding of customer needs, and customers have a clearer understanding of their own production "speed-up points", which has enabled us to work with customers in a two-way manner."

    “Come when called, fight when come, win when fight, and climb to the peak of intelligent manufacturing with the power of youth.” As a post-00 member among the customer managers of Songjiang Telecom G60 branch, Wang Siqi's "Jingfeng" declaration is a portrayal of his actions and work attitude.

    During her tenure, Wang Siqi gained an in-depth understanding of regional customers, established a comprehensive customer profile and business development process, deeply cultivated digital application scenarios, and used intelligent diagnosis as a breakthrough point to fully promote the intelligent diagnosis of industrial enterprises above designated size in Songjiang District. Within a year, she completed the diagnosis of 47 enterprises, generating revenue of more than one million yuan, and successfully developed Shanghai Telecom's first Teams international acceleration business, providing customers with a one-stop solution for global voice networking; she promoted customers to achieve multi-point cloud computing across the country through cloud private networks, deepening the application of customers' digital transformation.

    In 2023, Songjiang Telecom's G60 Manufacturing Excellence Youth Commando carried out special work on enterprise intelligent diagnosis, completing offline diagnosis of 587 enterprises throughout the year, accounting for 36.26% of the total number of enterprises above the designated size. It focused on industry classification and data analysis after diagnosis, driving revenue of approximately 13 million yuan.

    The scene of the "Struggle Cup" 3rd Shanghai Youth Skills Competition and the Shanghai Economic and Information System Vocational Skills Competition Cloud Computing Technology and Application Competition.

    Diagnosis and then prescribing a “prescription” for transformation: eliminating data silos and improving efficiency

    Diagnosis is only the first step; the subsequent "prescription" and "treatment and transformation" are the key.

    The Shanghai Telecom Manufacturing Digital Transformation Youth Commando has identified the most valuable links for transformation, formulated plans, and made precise decisions based on the specific needs of each enterprise.

    In the field of smart factory leadership, the relevant youth commandos of Shanghai Telecom have also accelerated the integrated innovation and application of low latency in seconds in smart factories, achieving industry-leading technology with network latency as low as 20ms, and contributing wisdom to the digital transformation of Shanghai's industries.

    With the help of Songjiang Telecom, Chint Electric Co., Ltd. has completed the deployment of the 5G private network and started the industrial PON deployment since the start of the industrial PON+5G dual-gigabit intranet project planning. In 2023, the company completed the application of the industrial PON demonstration production line, the access and transformation of data acquisition points, and the optimization of MES and other systems in the factory area. In the same year, combined with the dual-gigabit industrial intranet, "one flow" was achieved through systems such as WMS, BOM, and MES to eliminate data silos.

    After the implementation of the above projects, the estimated cost of relay and cascade equipment construction and maintenance of Chint Electric Co., Ltd. is expected to be reduced by 2.4 million yuan/year, and the human-machine efficiency will be improved by 10%; the average time for cloud acceptance will be reduced by 10 hours, and the cost will be reduced by 2 million yuan/year; the response efficiency will be improved by 80%; and the inspection labor will be reduced by 3.2 million yuan/year.

    Through the construction of the dual-gigabit full-connection project, Chint Electric's production efficiency has been comprehensively improved, terminal costs have been reduced by 300,000 yuan, and benefits have been increased by 35 million yuan per year.

    A manufacturing company in Shanghai underwent a diagnostic assessment by members of the Shanghai Telecom Youth Commando in early 2023. During the investigation, the team found that the company had a good information technology foundation, had already attempted to make production processes more flexible and agile, and had a high level of intelligence, making it difficult to further improve.

    In order to help companies reduce the time required to adjust flexible production lines and meet the needs of the small-batch, customized market, the youth commando team carefully sorted out the company's operating production processes based on quantitative indicator evaluation and provided diagnostic reports and plans.

    The company highly appreciated the diagnostic suggestions given by the youth commando team and immediately started to promote transformation and upgrading work.

    With the help of the youth commando, the company completed full coverage of 5G signals in the production area and transformed the terminals to 5G, realizing comprehensive intelligence of system integration and data interoperability.

    After the transformation, the company's production line layout adjustment time was shortened from 2 days to 4 hours, and the equipment will no longer have problems such as disconnection due to unstable signals.

    The Shanghai Telecom Youth League Committee held a launching ceremony for the Youth Walking and Reading League Day activity of "Studying the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Always Following the Party, and Forging Ahead on a New Journey".

    Telecom youth representing the country in the competition: Believe that skills are valuable and can create great things

    Zhao Chenyang from Shanghai Telecom Ideal Group is a young cloud computing engineer.

    Cloud computing and computing power are strategic emerging industries. As a young employee in a skilled position, he always adheres to the ideals and beliefs of "labor is glorious, skills are valuable, and creation is great", learns professional skills well, and continues to take root and grow in strategic emerging industries such as cloud computing and computing power.

    Zhao Chenyang demonstrated his extraordinary professional ability and practical skills in the field of cloud computing, and quickly grew into the core backbone of the team. He also stood out in the skills competition organized by the Shanghai Economic and Information System. Later, he was selected to join the national cloud computing team and continued to pursue his dream in the strategic new business field.

    The Shanghai Telecom Youth League Committee innovatively developed the youth red immersive drama education practice project "The Letter".

    Youth League work helps young people grow

    As of November 2023, Shanghai Telecom has 31 directly affiliated league organizations, including 24 league committees, 5 league general branches, 1 league branch, and 1 league working committee; there are 196 grass-roots league branches. There are 1,528 league members and 2,602 young people in the company.

    In 2023, two people from Shanghai Telecom won the title of "National Technical Expert", one youth group won the title of "National Youth Civilized Unit", one youth league organization won the title of "Outstanding Unit in the Selection of Typical Grassroots Organizations in Shanghai", one group won the title of "May Fourth Red Flag Youth League Organization of Central Enterprises", one team won the gold medal in the Computer Programmer Competition of the 17th "Revitalization Cup" National Youth Vocational Skills Competition (Employee Group), one team won the first prize in the R&D Innovation category of the Innovation and Efficiency Competition, and three youth groups were named "Shanghai Youth Civilized Units". Two people won the first prize in the Cloud Computing Technology and Application Competition of the "Struggle Cup" 3rd Shanghai Youth Skills Competition and Shanghai Economic and Information System Vocational Skills Competition, and one person won the first prize in the Big Data Modeling Project of the Shanghai Economic and Information System Vocational Skills Competition. A total of more than 30 people have won various honors at the economic and information system and above; a total of more than 20 group-level and above honors have been won by the youth league organizations at all levels of the company during the year.

    The Youth League Committee of Shanghai Telecom actively supports the growth of young people, carries out the "Youth Growth Forum", organizes excellent employees to share their experiences, and selects outstanding young people and sets examples for young people through the selection of "National Technical Experts", "May 4th Excellent", and "Upward and Kind Youth". It consolidates the "Youth Home" position, promotes the construction of the Youth Home of Shanghai Company, and provides a cultural learning place for youth league members.

    The Youth League Committee of Shanghai Telecom is also actively building a youth volunteer service brand. In order to deepen the "I do practical things for the masses" practice activities, the Youth League Committee of Ruijin Hospital organized a youth lecturer group to carry out the "Love Wing Station·Blue Doctors accompany you" community health science popularization activities in Shanghai Information Building, Bansongyuan Street in Huangpu District, Huajing Town Street in Xuhui District, and Jiangsu Road Street in Changning District, bringing health science popularization to the "doorstep" of residents. The activities are ongoing and are expected to cover 16 administrative districts in Shanghai; in addition, the Youth League also organized youth members to participate in the volunteer service guarantee work of major exhibitions such as the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference and the China International Import Expo, showing the spirit of young people in enterprises in the new era; carried out the "Guarding the Old Friends Pavilion" youth volunteer service action, developed an online management platform, and formed 14 youth volunteer service teams to help the elderly cross the digital divide and integrate into digital life.


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